There are so many things that we aren't talking about that need to be talked about. Hard Things of Faith was created to talk about the good, the bad and messy things of faith.
Grace Like Rain
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“And Hallelujah, Grace like rain falls down on me”
The first time I heard these lyrics, there was a three-fold reaction, heartbreak, surrender, and belief. To be honest, I couldn’t even tell you which one came first. It was the moment I become acutely aware of my sinful nature, the Lord’s love, and God’s willingness to show me the grace I did not deserve. Somewhere there had to be knowledge of these things when I gave my life to the Lord, but the understanding of these things became so much more clear when I heard this song. I have struggled most of my Christian walk to fall in line with the rest of the Body of Christ. There was always this thought that I could never be as “good” as them. I didn’t realize that I had been trying to live down a reputation that haunted me for years. I wanted so badly to be “good” and have a reputation that was fitting of a good Christian woman. The thought was, to fit in with them, I had to be like them, and I wasn’t.
“And Hallelujah, my stains are washed away”
I thought when I accepted Christ that I wouldn’t struggle with sin anymore. I went to church every Sunday; I was serving in ministry and attended bible study weekly. I was doing all the things that you do when you are a “good” Christian. The problem was I still felt the emptiness of what I thought was an unfulfilled life. I thought for sure that something must be wrong with me. There were many times I even questioned my salvation. The thought was that if I were truly saved, I wouldn’t ache like this, and I would be a good woman who couldn’t be drawn into sin. I tried so hard in my own might to be “good”. I failed…. often.
“Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me”
I was unaware of the depth and draw of my humanity and the truama of my past that I didn't know still plagued me. I had read it in scripture, but it just didn’t click. It didn’t click until…. I came face to face with my sin of pride and rebellion. It’s the whole “head-knowledge, heart-knowledge” thing. I believed in God with my whole heart, and I believed in forgiveness but I struggled with understanding the love of Christ, and I also struggled with grace; grace for myself and grace with others. One might ask how that is possible, and explaining that would take much longer than this blog post. Even if we were to sit down over coffee, I don’t know that I could articulate very well. The best I can come up with is that on some level I must have believed that the love of Christ was based on my actions, not His heart. It wasn’t until I was in a season of rebellion and willful sin that I came to understand the actual love of Christ and the buckets of grace that He had been pouring over me. I was angry that life was not what I thought it should be, not in the church, not in my family, not in my heart. I was disappointed, I was hurt and I was angry.
And then…. Grace Like Rain
It was a moment, just one moment, like turning on a light in a dark room. When I heard this song the Lord allowed me to see my sin, His love, and the grace that covered me. It was abundant, not lacking in any area, complete. Even in my sin, Jesus made intercession for me, his grace pouring out. I could not deny any longer the love of Christ and the grace that He offered. He made a way where there was no way out of the mess and the mud. I understood at that moment that I could not be “good” on my own, but only through Christ. It was the way for me to walk in my redeemed life, different from others, but not separate, united in Him. The Holy Spirit used the lyrics of a song to teach me about the love and grace I did not know how to accept before. It was the lyrics of "Grace Like Rain" that helped me to see not an unfulfilled life but one complete in Christ.
It’s been several years since the Lord whispered these words to me for the first time. It was a moment I will never forget. I was in my car, headed to a women’s bible study group. Now, please don’t be offended when I say that women's bible study can be a huge blessing, but it can also be a huge headache. I was leading a class, so I had to go, but I was worn to the core and didn’t know if I had anything left to pour out. If I am being really honest, when I get to that level of weariness, grace and kindness are not what pours out of me. All it takes is for some unknowing person to say something or do something, and what comes out of me is more like salt & vinegar. I remember driving and not being able to formulate words that could be construed as prayer. But God.... he knew exactly what I was saying. Ever so gently, he whispered: “Mercies & Manna” My heart was put to ease immediately. I love how the Lord doe...
Judgmental, Hateful, Hypocritical These are just some of the things American Christians are known for. First, can I just tell you that I am sorry? I am sorry for every person that has misrepresented Christ and hurt you. I am sorry to those that I have hurt in the name of Jesus. Some of us have distorted the Good News of the Gospel; we have given a false representation of who the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit really are. We have shown you a God of Judgment and not a God of Love. I hear a lot of people say that God is all-loving and that is correct, and there is a lot more to God's character that does involve judgment, it is just a matter of how that is presented. We have given people a bunch of "moral" standards and consequences for failing to meet those standards. We have not acted like Christ at all. We are supposed to be people of grace and truth, yet we say some of the most hateful things people have ever heard. We have called out the s...
“I am a good person" “People are inherently good” “But they have such a good heart” These statements break my heart. They break my heart because they are untrue. This is blatant false teaching that has been widely accepted both in the church and outside of the church. We have cherry-picked scripture to support our belief that we are naturally good people. I have had so many conversations about this as of late. People get really worked up when I tell them I am not good. They get even more worked up when I tell them that they are not good either. This is not to point a finger; it is to point them to scripture. The very first thing I hear people say about this is: “I am a good person because I haven’t murdered anyone. I am not a thief, and I haven’t committed adultery.” People automatically go back to the 10 Commandments, whether we realize it or not, even those who don't follow Christ. ...
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